Friday, August 22, 2008

A bunch of hot air

Honestly, this is one of the stupidest, most pointless moments of the campaign.

Money is involved in politics?! How have we been deceived for so long! Seriously, who gives a damn how many homes John McCain owns. Didn't Barack Obama graduate from Harvard Law? Doesn't Bill Clinton charge six figures for a speaking engagement?

I was excited by this election a few months ago. Not because I thought either candidate was especially qualified or groundbreaking but because I actually believed (I know, how stupid am I) that these were men, not politicians, who were capable of engaging each other in a civil and intellectual manner. I am more than disappointed to see this campaign descend into a pissing match at a time when our country deserves so much more.

As usual, McArdle puts it better than most:

I do not think that I am engaged in a titanic battle, in which the forces of good must beat back the cosmic evil that threatens to engulf us all. I think I'm deciding which of two politicians to hand a lot of power I don't want either of them to have. It should be possible to debate the issues in this election at a level above "My guy's awesome and your guy is a big fat doody-head". But it doesn't seem to be. I find this profoundly depressing.
On this happy note, enjoy your weekend.

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