Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This week marks the traditional beginning of the General Election, and it’s a mad dash for Election Day. Oh, there’s also a lot of other stuff going on in the world, too.

1. Democrats must learn some respect: The notion of a "culture war" implies that different social environments swing voters one way or another. It is a misnomer and a divisive tool but one politicians unfortunately need to understand.

2. The president's slender chance: Pakistan is in a tight bind. Is the solution really a corrupt, unstable politician who rose to prominence on the coattails of his wife's political legacy?

3. Cooking your way into court? Thailand's Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was forced to resign because he earned income from a popular, national cooking show. In other news, Anthony Bourdain announced his Presidential candidacy this morning.

4. Gotta love Fox News...

1. How Oil-Rich Countries Guard Their Wealth: This underscores some of the points I’ve argued previously about why we’re unlikely to see a prolonged drop below $100/barrel in oil markets.

2. What if we didn’t bail out the creditors? Angry that Uncle Sam (using your tax money) is now taking control of Freddie and Fannie? The alternative is much, much worse.

3. The 20 Questions we would ask Sarah Palin: You’re kidding yourself if you think she had cogent answers to 90% of these foreign policy questions a month ago. (Does she even have them now?)

4. Is Kim Jong Il dead? A Japanese professor argues that he actually died 5 years ago. Spooky, scary.

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