Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The sky is falling on Wall Street, but here at Z’geist we try to find the silver lining. The crisis is giving us a chance to try out new branding strategies… what do you think of our new slogan??

ZEITLINKS: Now more reliable than complex financial derivatives!

1. Segregation and the quality of government: Alberto Alesina has a great new article on how ethnic fragmentation undermines governance efforts. Read the whole thing and keep in mind colonial powers used to segregate ethnic groups specifically to strengthen their government by dividing any anti-colonial opposition.

2. Petraeus' Legacy: General Petreaus leaves behind an Iraq that has improved during his tenure but that still leaves much to be desired. Keep in mind that most of his success is premised on Iraqi insurgents being brought onto the US payroll. He has accomplished alot but military strategy is never the whole story.

3. A changing climate of opinion? The Economist has a wonderful piece outlining the more radical proposed solutions for global warming. Will these ideas go the way of the jetpack? Who knows but in the meantime they're interesting.

4. RIP David Foster Wallace: The literary giant of our generation has hanged himself. You will be missed. If you don't know this man, go buy Infinite Jest right now.

5. Palin has a cooking show?

1. McCain Financial Advisor’s Sunday Op-ed: I’m not a huge Wonkette fan anymore, but sometimes they just knock one out of the park.

2. John McCain’s “Big” Economic Plans: Mark Thoma has a look at what J-Mac says he’ll do to the economy.

3. Dilbert’s Poll of Economists on Obama vs. McCain: Tyler Cowen points to an interesting poll of economists’ political preferences. Notably, John McCain inspires much more confidence than Barack Obama in regards to international trade.

4. Dani Rodrik is blogging again: I’m sure someone will write a post on his new article soon. But his return to the blogosphere is one reason to be happy that summer’s over.

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