Monday, January 5, 2009

Martin Sheen is an economics badass... with a heart of gold

Via Trade Diversion, we have this unintentionally hilarious snippet of dialogue from the West Wing. In my head, I read it in the Dirty Harry voice:
When I was 26, I wrote a paper supporting the deregulation of Far East trade
barriers. Nearly got thrown out of the London School of Economics. I was young
and stupid, and trying to make some noise.

This is one of President Jed Bartlet's line. On the show, the character, played by Martin Sheen, earned his Master's and PhD at the London School of Economics. As a brand-new alum of the LSE, I can confidently second Jonathan Dingel in saying that A.) this sentence makes no sense and B.) who would ever get thrown out of any academic department, let alone one at the London School of Economics, for arguing (I think) in favor of trade liberalization?

I never really got into the West Wing, although I've heard it's pretty good. Still, I can't help but feel like this is one of those instances where a TV character is only as smart as the people who write for him...

1 comment:

Dave Hart said...

Ha - that is weird. But I think given the character's age, he might be referring to LSE's old reputation for being a bunch of lefty McLefts. That's certainly not the case anymore.

I wonder if you can get kicked out of the University of Chicago for writing a paper in support of import substitution...