Monday, July 21, 2008

African missteps

The African Union was busy today ignoring human rights and political freedom.

Their request to the UN Security Council to drop war crime charges against Sudan's President Bashir was actually a good step. The ICC's decision to charge Bashir was a misguided one. The blood shed in Darfur is on the hands of many, not just Bashir. Hated as he may be, his removal would create a power vacuum that would simply jeopardize any future attempts at peace.

The AU decision to back South African reconciliation efforts was a meek and tepid attempt to avoid criticism. Relegating such responsibility to South African President Mbeki, an implicit Mugabe supporter, was an irresponsible move and Tsvangirai should have demanded more from the African and international community. 

The situation in Zimbabwe was much more severe than Kenya and as such requires a stronger resolution than a power-sharing agreement. Kenya's violence, though country-wide and intense, was not as extreme as Mugabe's methodical extermination. The people of Zimbabwe deserve better and the international and African institutions responsible should give it to them.

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